LoRa-Alliance® Authorized Test House

Since November 2015, IMST is a LoRa Alliance® Authorized Test Lab. The certification was given by the LoRa Alliance®. Tests are derived from LoRaWAN® specification and are covered for Class A currently.

The following tests are covered today:

  • Activation OTA / by personalization
  • Application functionality test
  • Downlink Packet Error Rate tests (allowed 5% PER)
  • Cryptography tests
  • Receive Window test (1st and 2nd)
  • Handling of sequence number
  • Device Status Request test
  • Add/Modify channel tests
  • Confirmed / Unconfirmed uplink/downlink test
  • Modify and verify of setting downlink parameters
  • Modify and verify downlink timing parameters
  • Data rate adaptation tests (incl. optional DRs)
  • Transmit Power control tests
  • Confirmed / Unconfirmed frames tests
  • Retransmission of confirmed frames

Additional (optional) tests could be:

  • Disable non-default uplink channels
  • Downlink RF Timing test
  • Downlink Frame Pending feature
  • Link Check Request test
  • Simple tests for MAC commands
  • Check uplink frequencies

The report that IMST provides as an output from LoRaWAN® Radiation Performance measurements gives antenna diagrams showing the minimum and maximum values for TRP (Total Radiated Power) and TIS (Total Isotropic Sensitivity). Based on these figures, a network operator can select devices and ensure a good and smooth network integration and performance. During development these measurements would help manufacturer to improve their designs.

LoRa® Certification Overview

The LoRaWAN® Certification Program provides assurance to end customers that their application-specific end devices will operate on any LoRaWAN® network. The scope of the Certification Program confirms that the end device meets the functional requirements of the LoRaWAN® protocol specification. The program includes a suite of tests that are specified in the LoRa Alliance® End Device Certification Requirements document.

Device manufacturers must be a member of the LoRa Alliance® to be LoRaWAN-Certified and must use one of the accredited LoRaWAN® Certification Test Labs to do the functional protocol testing. Upon completion of the tests, the results will be listed on the LoRa Alliance® website, and upon compliance a LoRaWAN® Certification certificate will be issued by the LoRa Alliance®.

The certification process in general is as follows:

LoRaWAN® Certification Process

  1. Contact us for a quote.
  2. Complete the certification questionnaire available on the LoRa Alliance® website or from the test service provider.
  3. Prepare your product(s) for certification.
    • Has to fulfil LoRaWAN Specification at least V1.0.2 which is available from LoRa Alliance®. Older versions are also still covered.
    • Has to fulfil LoRa Alliance® End Device Certification Requirements for EU. Specification is available from LoRa-Alliance.
  4. Deliver your product to your LoRa Alliance® authorized test service provider. It should be ready for Over-the-Air activation or already personalized.
  5. The LoRa Alliance® authorized test service provider will perform the certification tests and provide you and the Alliance with the „pass“ results.
  6. LoRaAlliance® will review the test results and create the LoRaWAN® certificate
  7. Results and basic product information are released on LoRa Alliance® website. Release date can be customized to align with product launch date, if requested. Data from the questionnaire that is not wanted to appear on the website, can be marked as confidential.