LoRaWAN World Expo short

Join us at demo zone of LoRaWAN World Expo and do not miss our workshop: ‘Getting Started with the LCTT Pre-Testing Tool’ !

Would you like to prepare your product to pass the LoRaWAN® certification?
Our hands-on session will give you a brief overview about the LoRaWAN® certification and will demonstrate how to use the “LoRaWAN® Certified Test Tool“ (LCTT) using the IMST’s Lite Gateway. This is a pre-certification testing tool designed for use at a device manufacturer’s facility to pre-test a design before shipping it for formal certification testing. This benefits LoRa Alliance® members by allowing full testing and regression testing of their device during the development phase and therefore saving time and money before starting the formal certification process. This introduction guides through the test procedure and assists to take the first steps towards successful LoRaWAN® Certification.

Looking forward to meeting you in person!

LoRaWAN World Expo short