NOX txo

LoRa® technology which ensures both a high range and interference-resistant communication between the transmitters and receivers, brings a reduction in costs of sensors for smart buildings in areas such security and environment monitoring.

NOX txo

With regard to museums, environmental management and security systems control and provide conditions that preserve collections and protect and secure of exhibits.

The optical NOX TXO wireless alarm powered with iM881A LoRa® module, is well-suited for the individual contactless safeguarding of pictures, paintings and other exhibits. The electricity supply is ensured through two internal batteries, which, depending on use, make possible year-long maintenance-free operation. Monitoring is done through the NOX central unit, which correspondingly transmits the requested alarms.

IMST assisted NOX Systems in the development process: from feasibility study, through technical specification for a collision free and secure radio communication protocol, to software development and RF review.

If you wish to know more, please visit the website of NOX Systems:


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