LoRa PCB Antenna

The pursuit of energy-efficient IoT solutions with the longest range possible without compromising the final price, makes the implementation of integrated antennas necessary. Therefore, having a PCB antenna on your device, ensures faster time-to-market and reduces development costs and risks.

LoRa PCB Antenna

This type of antennas are very sensitive to electronics (PCB dimensions and components), casing, surroundings … and they must be customized for each device. In other words, there is not a universal antenna that works for all devices.

IMST has developed an Interface PCB Antenna designed to be used with IMST’s LoRaWAN® modules (iM880B, iM881A and iM980B). Because the strong effect of the already mentioned factors, this antenna cannot be standardized and therefore it is not provided as off-the-shelf product. Customization according to customer’s device and requirements is required.

The technical features when mounted on IMST evaluation board are:
Operation frequency: 868 MHz (915MHz on request)
Impedance: 50 Ω
Impedance matching: < -15 dB
Peak gain: 1.2 dBi
Radiation Pattern: Omnidirectional
Polarization: Linear
Total Efficiency: 62%

Please contact us if you have any further questions.